⚠Mexico wedding photography and COVID-19 ⚠
I want to take a moment and make public this plan that deals with wedding photography in Mexico and COVID-19, since the world has practically changed overnight. What we hear as a simple rumor of a strange virus in a distant city in China has become a pandemic difficult to overcome, with implications that will inevitably affect people around the world, and Mexico is no exception.
In addition to the obvious health catastrophe, the large number of deaths and serious ill people, a great economic problem has begun, that could continue for the rest of the year and perhaps beyond.
That is why, worried about this situation in our wedding photography studio, we have defined our preventive measures, much stricter than before, in coordination and cooperation between couples, to be prepared for the indicated moment, when we can reactivate and schedule appointments and photographic sessions safely, this measure it is not definitive, if the situation changes, we will surely be updating this page to inform you about the changes.
I want to outline our reopening plan to help our customers, employees, and supplier partners understand what to expect when working with the Ever López photography studio.
By having a virtual meeting today with my team, we are all excited to get back to doing what we love, documenting the most important moments in our clients’ lives, and working with amazing couples and wedding vendors. However, we also know that to do it safely, we must follow the guidelines of federal, state and local governments.
Here is a list of procedures and guidelines that we will follow when we reopen:
- Previously scheduled appointments only: Clients can only enter the studio by scheduling their appointment in advance, so that we can prepare and disinfect the office and disinfect it properly between meetings and photo sessions.
- Only the wedding couple with face masks: we are very sorry, we will only be receiving the couple, for the moment we will not be able to receive more family or companions at the appointment, and the couple must use face masks at all times during the appointment.
- Office disinfection: all equipment, accessories, chairs, furniture and other objects that a client may come into contact with will be disinfected before and after a client enters our studio or office.
- Limited staff: most of our collaborators are working virtually, which will limit the number of people in the studio at all times.
- Support team: all our collaborators understand that in the case of having symptoms of illness, they should stay home. We have a great team of photographers and videographers with whom we can cover your session with the same quality if necessary.
- Face masks mandatory during the sessions: our photographers and videographers will wear face masks and protective glasses during the photographic sessions, keeping a healthy distance at all times from the other people involved in the session.
- Outdoor location sessions only: We will be covering sessions at locations such as forests, urban sessions, in open parks, beaches and other open areas.
- Special precautions: If for any reason you require other types of security measures, please inform us in order to cover your particular session with these special measures.
We have an obligation to keep everyone safe when they book a session with us and we want to make sure that they feel as comfortable and confident as possible that we will be working to the highest standards of care and hygiene.
I’m sure the situation is going to improve, it won’t be tomorrow, and it probably won’t be next month, but there is an end to all this pandemic, and then we can get together and celebrate, and it will be more intense, we will enjoy it even more, and of course it will be reflected in the photographs that will portray your great day.
As always, I appreciate your trust and I am sure that together we will be able to create those images that reflect that love and union that you have, always maintaining all the hygiene and distance measures to avoid exposure to the maximum.
M.D.P. Ever López professional photographer.
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